On Error GoTo Err 'to go to Err if error occured
MsgBox "Write your messahe here without replacing quotes", x, "Title here without replacing quotes"
'and x is:
'- vbOKOnly to create OK Dialog Box
'- vbOKCancel to create OK and Cancel Dialog Box
'- vbRetryCancel to create Retry and Cancel Dialog Box
'- vbCritical to create Critical Message Dialog Box
'- and many more that you can find yourself
'- You can copy all the text after modify 'x' and copy to Notepad
'- Save the file with *.vbs extension
MsgBox "Write your messahe here without replacing quotes", x, "Title here without replacing quotes"
'and x is:

'- vbOKCancel to create OK and Cancel Dialog Box
'- vbRetryCancel to create Retry and Cancel Dialog Box
'- vbCritical to create Critical Message Dialog Box
'- and many more that you can find yourself
'- You can copy all the text after modify 'x' and copy to Notepad
'- Save the file with *.vbs extension
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