Thursday, September 8, 2011

Change Facebook Status: via . . . - make your own!

You have probably seen about updating Facebook via Blackberry, iPhone, etc. Did you ever think about application that give an information: 'via Blackberry', etc even they aren't use Blackberry?
Actually, you can create you application, and it is very easy, no need to be programmer, master of HTML, etc. Just a computer! Here are the steps:

1. Go to this site!
2. Click Create New App in top-right of page
3. Write App Name, agree the license, continue to security check, continue
5. Set App Namespace for your app website (for example your desired site is so the App Namespace is the-natural).

Click save before go to next step! If something wrong, fix it now!
Maybe the Application name was used, etc.
You can't modify it later!

7. Go to this site! (Open new tab, because you still need information from Facebook Developers)
8. Click create tab
9. Copy-Paste your App IDApp SecretApp Name, and App Namespace from Facebook Developers tab to Status Generator on Facebook tab.
10. Click Tekan tombol ini
11. Click App on Facebook on Facebook Developers tab
12. Copy-Paste Canvas URL and Secure Canvas URL form Status Generator on Facebook tab to Facebook Developers tab. Your URL has a yellow background! is just an example and don't copy-paste this URL or you will never use your application!
14. Go to your application! Your application site is the App Namespace


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